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Agrosilver Value

Agrosilver Value

Contract number 2020-1-FR01-KA202-080028 (2020-2023)

AgroSilver Value – Integrating silver knowledge from agroecology into the VET systems


Funded by: Erasmus+ programme of the EU Commission
Measure: Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training

Start date: 01 September 2020
Duration: 30 months


  • Chambre of Agriculture Lot et Garonne, Agen, France
  • Ekologykm, Brestovitsa, Bulgaria
  • Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, Crete, Greece
  • FundeuTAD, Spain
  • Extremadura Government, Spain
  • Gozo Ministry, Malta
  • INPLA, Estonia

Aims and objectives

To improve the attractiveness of the agroecology training, providing teachers with tools with capacity to attract farmers to higher levels of education, and recover silver knowledge which can be otherwise lost.

Target groups

VET teachers in agroecology.


  • The Data Platform is a compilation of videos related to agroecology, based on the real experiences and testimonies of farmers, silver farmers and teachers, gathered in a structured online database, where the videos are stored and indexed with labels for a better identification.
  • The SILVERKNOWS software reads the contents of the videos, converting the audio into encoded information, in any of the country languages.
  • Pilot courses will test the software The documentation, manual and learning units, prepared for the pilot are outputs.

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